
Monthly updates of NSCLC: Issue June 2018

This article summaries recent progresses published in high impact journals on lung cancer research and treatment. Kindly provided by Ms. Dandan Hu (胡丹丹), a MSI from Roche China, will continually update for every month. Article in Chinese.

Monthly updates on NSCLC: Aug 2018

This article summaries recent progresses published in high impact journals on lung cancer research and treatment. Kindly provided by Ms. Dandan Hu (胡丹丹), a MSI from Roche China, will continually update for every month. Article in Chinese.

Aidi injection plus platinum-based chemotherapy for stage IIIB/IV non-smallcell lung cancer: A meta-analysis of 42 RCTs following the PRISMA guidelines

Dr.Qi Biao Wu reported that Aidi injection plus platinum-based chemotherapy for stage IIIB/IV non-smallcell lung cancer: A meta-analysis of 42 RCTs following the PRISMA guidelines.

Monthly updates on NSCLC: September 2018

This article summaries recent progresses published in high impact journals on lung cancer research and treatment. Kindly provided by Ms. Dandan Hu (胡丹丹), a MSI from Roche China, will continually update for every month. Article in Chinese.