
Monthly updates on NSCLC: October 2018

This article summaries recent progresses published in high impact journals on lung cancer research and treatment. Kindly provided by Ms. Dandan Hu (胡丹丹), a MSI from Roche China, will continually update for every month. Article in Chinese.

Monthly updates on NSCLC: November 2018

This article summaries recent progresses published in high impact journals on lung cancer research and treatment. Kindly provided by Ms. Dandan Hu (胡丹丹), a MSI from Roche China, will continually update for every month. Article in Chinese.

Monthly Update on NSCLC: December 2018

This article summaries recent progresses published in high impact journals on lung cancer research and treatment. Kindly provided by Ms. Dandan Hu (胡丹丹), a MSI from Roche China, will continually update for every month. Article in Chinese.

Real-World Clinical Impact of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced/Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer After Platinum Chemotherapy

Lung cancer is the first most common malignancy in the wild word, and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Approximately 85% of lung cancers are non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). More than half of all lung cancers in the United States are diagnosed at advanced or metastatic stage, which has a 5-year survival of 4.8%. The recommendations for systemic treatment of metastatic NSCLC (stage IV) are guided by patient performance status (PS), tumor histology, and status of tumor biomarkers. Firstline (1L) treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy has long been the standard of care. In the second-line (2L) setting after 1L chemotherapy, the efficacy and safety of antiePD-L1 therapies have been shown in several phase III clinical trials.